Robots, Burgers & Vending Machines

 Breakthrough New Robotic Technology to Make & Buy a Hot Burger

                                        Source:  RoboBurger

Robo Burger Chef in a Box

Newark, NJ based robotic startup RoboBurger has invented the world's first robo burger chef in a hot vending machine.  The RoboBurger, robotic "burger maker in a box" is the innovative invention of Carnegie Mellon robotic engineering grad Audley Wilson.  The inventor and now CEO has established a dynamic new, minority owned business with two fellow robotic engineers.  The new technology is very impressive.  Inside the vending machine, the robot baker grills a top quality, frozen Angus burger, toasts a fresh bun, adds whatever cheeses or condiments have been ordered, puts it neatly into a burger box and then dispenses it to the buyer.  RoboBurger is an artificially intelligent, self-operating and patented kitchen.  It is designed to perform all the functions of a restaurant at a fraction of the size.  The burger takes less than 6 to 7 minutes to make and costs $6.99.  The RoboBurger vending machines are already operational in northern New Jersey malls with more to come. 

What May Be the World's Smallest Kitchen

Wilson calls RoboBurger the smallest kitchen you've ever seen.  The highly complex, miniature kitchen consists of a refrigeration system to keep the ingredients fresh, a grill to cook on and a dishwashing system for self-cleaning the apparatus. The 5-step robotic cooking process is very similar to that used by restaurant chefs.  RoboBurger claims the robotic system is the fastest grill to hand technology in the industry.  It is plug and play, meaning it just needs to be plugged into an electrical outlet to become operational.

Target Markets

The RoboBurger team thinks that there is a big market for their robotic vending machines in places like airports, universities, factories, malls and hospitals where getting a hot burger particularly during off-hours can be difficult.  Wilson and his team are also exploring what other types of food they can offer through their robotic hot vending machines.  It appears their new technology could have significant growth potential.  For more news stories like this, go to New Robots for the 2020's


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