New Solar Microcar That Costs $6500

From the Netherlands: The Squad

                                Source:  Squad Mobility

A Car That's Electric, Solar Powered & Inexpensive

Dutch startup Squad Mobility has created a truly revolutionary driving machine.  It's a tiny, all electric, solar powered microcar called the Squad and it is inexpensive at $6,500 or it can be leased for $104.00 per month. It's not a concept car.  It can be ordered and will be available in 2023.  The EV has a range of 62 miles.  In Europe, it's classified as a L6e vehicle, which limits its top speed to 28 mph.  This new class of electric vehicle, that looks like a golf cart, was just unveiled at the Fully Charged Live electric vehicle show in Amsterdam, yesterday.

Designed For City Driving

The Dutch electric car startup says Squad is designed to combine the practicality of a 4-wheel car with the convenience of a moped.  The EV can carry a driver and one passenger and is best for navigating dense, congested, urban areas.  The first market it will hit is Europe in 2023.  The company says it will then rollout in the US.

Tech Specs

The EV has a solar charged electric powertrain.  The Squad's two, 2-kW rear motors offer a top speed of 28 mph.  The lithium-ion battery offers a range of 62 mph.  The battery is shaped like a suitcase for easy swapping. For a recharge, it can be plugged into a wall socket.  Squad comes with a solar panel embedded into the roof that can add an extra 12 miles of driving range per day.  The dimensions of Squad are very compact at 6.6 feet long, 3.9 feet wide and 5.2 feet tall.  The vehicle is so small it can slide into a parking space perpendicularly like a motorcycle. The design includes front and rear crash protection.

Interior Touches

The EV has a generous amount of glass windows.  Doors are optional and can be included at the time of purchase.  The dashboard serves as a storage area, including a laptop workstation for the passenger.  It is a spartan, green, all-electric new means of driving and could be a big part of the future of city travel. For more news like this, go to Daily Vehicle Briefing 


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