T-Mobile & Elon Musk Connectivity Deal

 T-Mobile 5G Phones to Be Connected to SpaceX Starlink Satellites

                                   Source:  SpaceX, T-Mobile

Promise of No More Connectivity Dead Zones

24-7, anyplace internet connectivity for T-Mobile 5G phone users is the promise of the new deal between Elon Musk's SpaceX and T-Mobile.  T-Mobile CEO Mike Sievert and SpaceX/Tesla CEO Elon Musk announced that T-Mobile users' phones, on the T-Mobile network, will be directly connected to SpaceX's Starlink satellites. According to Musk, this will provide the T-Mobile phones with internet connectivity just about everywhere. Siebert said SpaceX and T-Mobile are two industry-shaking innovators, challenging the old ways of doings things "to create something entirely new." The deal is unprecedented.  Musk also announced that he is providing the same connectivity for Tesla cars by connecting them to Starlink.  Musk and Siebert are promising to eliminate dead zones anywhere in the world for cell phones.  In the US alone, 20% of the land mass is a dead zone for cell connectivity. 

What's Next & When Does This Go Live?

The innovative arrangement will go into beta testing in late 2023 in selected locations.  The companies say it will be free with some T-Mobile plans.  Musk explained that the connectivity speeds will be "2 to 4 Mbits per cell zones" which will enable voice calls and texting but not enough bandwidth for high-resolution video and gaming.  Interestingly, SpaceX and T-Mobile are urging other carriers to join them in a collaborative effort to establish "truly global connectivity".  


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