Personal eVTOL RECON & CES 2023

 Ryse Aero Technologies RECON 1st to Fly at CES

                                                        Source:  Ryse Aero Tech

Superlight Personal eVTOL 

The world's top electronics show, CES 2023, will be hosting the first, daily, on-site, manned flights by eVTOL, specifically Ryse Aero Technologies' RECON.  RECON is an ultra-light, electric, vertical takeoff and landing personal flying machine, that the company says anyone can fly.  The Las Vegas, CES 2023 flights are a milestone for the eVTOL industry and its journey toward the commercialization of personal flying electric vehicles.


RECON is an AUV, meaning an aerial utility vehicle that takes off and lands vertically and is totally electric powered. The Mason, Ohio-based startup company says it was created with the consumer in mind for personal flights and also for farmers.  In fact, it's been nicknamed the "flying farm car" because of farmers' interest in using it to fly over and survey their ranches, farmland and crops.  It is classified under the FAA's Ultralight rules which means you don't need a pilot's license to fly it.

Cutting Edge Aviation Technologies

RECON operates like a drone and helicopter. The eVTOL can hover and rotate.  It has been successfully performing test flights for nearly six months. The company says it requires minimal skills and only 45 minutes' worth of instructions to fly it because of its extensive cutting-edge technologies.  It contains a Simplified Vehicle Operations System (SVO), which does the work for the pilot and "enables a low learning curve" to fly it.  The system is backed up by redundant levels of artificial intelligence which provide much of the control of the aircraft. There are also enhanced battery pack capacity and a Distributed Electric Propulsion (DEP) system, which increases safety and reliability. The operating platform is a main screen between two joysticks.  There is even a button for the pilot to push "Land Now" over suitable land and Recon gently lowers to the ground.

Tech Specs

The eVTOLs technologies are impressive.  It has 6, independent electric rotors that use removable battery packs. It gets 25 minutes in the air on a charge.  The propellers spin at 2,000 RPM.  Top speed is 63 mph. Top altitude is 400 feet. It's a single seat, zero emissions aerial utility vehicle that may be an important part of the future of travel.  In fact, it's going into production in 2023.  It is expected to cost approximately $150,000.  For more news stories like this, Flight Path to the Future


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