Personal eVTOL You Build & Fly

 RotorX DIY Personal Flying Machine

                                        Source:  RotorX

Kit-Built, Personal Aviation Vehicle 

Arizona-based aviation company RotorX is taking orders for its "Do-It-Yourself", kit-built, personal flying machine.  The eVTOL (electric vertical takeoff and landing vehicle)) called Dragon is a manned multicopter.  It is capable of speeds up to 63 mph and has automated landing capability through advanced sensors, joystick controls empowered by backed-up flight computers, as well as hands-free hover in place functionality. Essentially, Dragon is a big, smart drone with a minimalist cabin and seat in the middle of the aircraft. It's classified as an ultra-light aircraft that requires no license to fly.  That is why RotorX says just about anyone can fly it. 

Tech Specs

The design of Dragon is minimalist with just a small cabin and single seat for the pilot sitting in the middle of the rotors, engines, avionics and vertical takeoff and landing legs. The power comes from 16-kw electric motors for each of its 8 prop-coaxial octacopter configuration rotors.  It has multiple built-in redundancies.  The maximum airtime is 20 minutes range on a charge.  The pilot has to weigh 250 pounds or less.  You can buy it for $99,000. Deliveries start in August 2023.  And it can be pre-ordered by a $19,500 deposit.  For more news stories like this, Flight Path to the Future


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