BMW's Digital Concept Car - No PipeDream

 BMW i Vision Dee

Source:  BMW Concept Dee

Sedan Concept: Color Changing, Mobile Digital Display 

BMW unveiled at CES 2023 an extraordinary, new concept car, BMW i Vision Dee, that is literally a color-changing infotainment center on wheels.  Here are the key facts and features:

  • The EV sedan Dee stands for digital emotional experiences
  • Dee's front grill area, windshield and windows can display information and entertainment
  • Various parts of the car can display different colors simultaneously
  • iVision Dee comes in two versions
  • One version contains body panels that change colors through i Ink
  • Another version communicates via a "user interface" and displays colors, symbols and infotainment both inside and on the outside of the car
  • The front grill and headlights are a huge display that can showcase different shapes, communications and colors
  • The side windows also function as displays

  • BMW says the car can display moods and reactions to the driver and cars around it, such as showing happiness or surprise.
Heart of the Digital Car

It's the Mixed Reality Slide projected on the car dashboard that's controlled by a finger
  • 5 different modes of digital content are available including basic driving, augmented reality and virtual reality.
  • Interior display spans the entire front windshield and is transparent so that it can show navigation tips as you are driving.

Is This a Pipe Dream?

No, BMW says it is putting Dee into production in 2025.  For more new stories like this, Latest Innovations For Tomorrow


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