World's 1st Flying Motorcycle - JetPack Speeder

 Speeder Closes in on FAA Certification

                                                                    Source:  JetPack Aviation

New Way to Commute Above Traffic Jams  

California-based JetPack Aviation, maker of JetPack personal flying gear, has developed the world's 1st flying motorcycle that's moving toward FAA certification.  Here are the pertinent facts:

  • One of the world's smallest personal flying aircraft that uniquely operates as a flying street bike 
  • Flies on 8 small, but very powerful jet engines
  • Range of 30 minutes
  • Cruising speed for personal use at 60 mph
  • Seeking & working with FAA for an airworthiness certificate for experimental aircraft
  • VTOL technology (Vertical Takeoff and Landing)
  • Now undergoing operational testing in Ventura, CA
  • Provides autonomous takeoffs and landings
  • Operates on fly by wire technology like a fighter jet
  • Very simple operating controls on the handgrip for takeoff, landing, speed and climbing
  • Internal flight controller takes instructions from the pilot
  • Sensors automatically detect objects, obstacles and avoid collisions
  • Potential speeds for consumer version of 250 mph with a F1cover structure around the pilot
  • Pre-orders are being taken at a price of $381,000
  • Additional, unmanned version of Speeder is being developed for military, cargo and disaster use that can fly in clusters at speeds of 400 mph.
Speeder is a new type of aviation technology to move people, cargo and military/emergency teams in the near future of travel, with FAA certification expected in a few years.  


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