Daily Innovation Brief by Maryanne Kane, Journalist


                    By Journalists Edward Kane & Maryanne Kane


                                                        Source:  DS Automobiles

  • DS Automobiles, owned by Stellantis, has developed a prototype electric car, the DS E-Tense Performance that is the 2023 Concept Car of the Year at the GQ Car Awards
  • This car was developed using technology from the DS Formula E program
  • GQ says this car is inspiring, has automotive integrity and had their judges' pulses racing
  • The EV has 2 electric motors with a total output of 815 hp and 5,900 pd-ft of torque
  • The vehicle can accelerate from 0 to 62 mph in 2 seconds
  • It can also regenerate up to 600 kW of power, making the brakes unnecessary as only regenerative braking is needed, which would be a big innovation in current car travel
  • It has a carbon monocoque chassis with a drivetrain from a Formula E single-seat racing car
  • EV uses a 350 kW charger with a full recharge in 5 minutes
  • Bottom-line:  this is a highly innovative and very stylish, award-winning electric-car to watch develop as it goes into production.


                                    Source:  Illinois Institute of Technology

  • US researchers are developing a revolutionary Lithium air battery that provides an energy density 5x's better than current lithium-ion batteries
  • This new technology could extend the range on EVs to 1,000 to 2,000 miles on a single charge
  • The research and development on this new tech is taking place at Illinois Institute of Technology with the US Department of Energy Argonne National Laboratory
  • The breakthrough component is a solid electrolyte instead of the usual liquid component
  • It uniquely makes use of oxygen in the air
  • The new battery tech appears to have the highest energy density of any next G battery tech
  • The battery is said not to be subject to overheating and catching  fire like lithium-ion batteries
  • It remains under development but the potential includes power for cars, big trucks and domestic air planes.


                                                            Source:  Stock Image of Ivy

  • An Australian Shepherd named Ivy from South Carolina has the unique distinction of being a very talented artist with her innovative, very modern and colorful approach to painting new works of art
  • Ivy is a highly intelligent, 7-year-old female Aussie with her own TikTok account where she has displayed her tricks for some time to thousands of viewers
  • A friend of owner Lisa Kite, a retired nurse, wondered if Ivy could paint and it turns out that Ivy not only loves to paint but is great at it
  • Ivy's artwork is bringing in thousands of dollars from buyers worldwide and the great news it that money is being donated to charities, particularly to rescue dog charities, according to her owner
  • Ivy seems to be a prolific artist and starts painting a canvass a week with a specially crafted brush that she deploys in her mouth
  • The art starts with her owner who then turns the canvas over to Ivy whose favorite color is blue and works on the canvas for about 3 weeks before it sells
  • This is another example of how brilliant and innovative our pets are and the untapped innovative potential each one of them has to do such good.


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DAILY INNOVATION BRIEF by Maryanne Kane, Journalist