By Journalists Edward Kane & Maryanne Kane


                                                                    Source:  Lamborghini

  • Italian iconic sports car maker Lamborghini is developing a fully electrified version of its most popular vehicle Urus
  • The BEV (Battery Electric Vehicle) will hit global markets in 2029
  • Prior to that, in 2024, Lamborghini will release a hybrid BEV version of the SUV
  • The company will also unveil its first fully electric EV in 2028
  • Lamborghini is going electric in a big way with plans to electrify its current lineup as plug-in hybrids
  • The company says the 2, new battery powered vehicles will help reduce its new car emissions by 80%
  • Also in April 2023, Lamborghini will debut a new supercar concept called the LB744
  • The new supercar's powertrain consists of 3, electric motors paired with a naturally aspirated V12 engine that generates 1,001 hp.  


                                            Source:  X1 Wind

  • In the waters off of Spain's Canary Islands, a highly innovative floating wind turbine prototype has started generating electricity
  • X1 Wind's X30 is one of the world's 1st floating turbines with a tension leg platform (TLP)
  • The floating turbine with its TLP drastically reduces any damage to the sea floor, which is caused by stationary turbines
  • The turbine aligns itself with wind currents like a weathervane
  • It doesn't need a ballast system or actuator, which minimizes its weight & maintenance needs
  • This innovative and environmentally friendly floating turbine was 1st conceived by X1 Wind founder Carlos Casanova when he was a student at MIT
  • He is now scaling up the system for production
  • He expects his floating turbines to each generate 15mW of clean electricity in deep water environments globally
  • Experts forecast that floating wind turbines will generate 150 to 200 gigawatts of energy in coming years as compared with the current 12 gigawatts from fixed wind turbines.


                                                        Source:  Stratospheric Platforms

  • More than a billion people around the world do not have internet access
  • UK-based 5G communications startup, Stratospheric Platforms, told the World Mobile Congress this week that it has a solution
  • The company is building a "high altitude telecom mast" or an autonomous, hydrogen powered, high altitude plane platform (HAP) with the world's largest phased array antenna on it to beam down signals of connectivity via 500 independently steerable beams
  • The company claims that 1 aircraft can do the work of 450 telecom masts
  • They say the unique aerial platform & communications system could provide 5G to all of the UK with 24 planes
  • The startup claims it can bring ubiquitous, high bandwidth connectivity at a fraction of the cost of terrestrial systems
  • The massive antenna carried by the innovative stratospheric aircraft is "compatible with all consumer smartphones"
  • This innovation company is well funded, has solid partners like Deutsche Telekom and is drawing interest from the UN to possibly bring the internet to underserved areas of the world
  • The company expects to commercially deploy the new tech in 2026.


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