DAILY INNOVATION BRIEF by Maryanne Kane, Journalist



                 By Journalists Edward Kane & Maryanne Kane


                                    Source:  Mojo Vision & Stock

  • A number of technologists believe one of the biggest innovations of the 21st century will be AR-AI smart contact lenses that deliver the internet & digital world right before your eyes while you see & operate in the real world
  • The lenses deliver content when you want & dismiss it when you don't want it, all the while you're functioning in daily life
  • This technology is expected to be so powerful it has the potential to replace the smartphone, smartwatches, AR & VR glasses & headsets
  • Mojo Vision has worked on smart contact lenses for 8 years to develop what could be a huge technological breakthrough
  • Here's how far they have come:

  1. World's smallest & densest display - 14,000 pixel per inch MicroLED display
  2. 5GH ultra-low latency radio to stream AR content
  3. ARM processor
  4. Eye-controlled user interface
  5. Continuous eye tracking thru customized accelerometers & gyroscopes
  6. Magnetometers
  7. Medical grade in-lens batteries
  8. Lens connects to external controller you can wear like a necklace around your neck for powerful computing
  • Because of an immediate lack of capital funding, this smart contact lens's development is on pause
  • But very smart AI-AR contact lenses are forecast to be a big part of our future, bringing the future of the AI, AR, VR world right before your eyes.


                                                            Source:  UK weather Stock

  • Severe weather events including record-breaking temperatures, droughts, tornados, powerful thunderstorms, flooding, hurricanes and more, are increasing in numbers and in severity in the US, UK, Europe and elsewhere -- all attributed by many experts to Climate Change
  • To significantly improve forecasting of severe weather events, UK scientists are joining forces this summer with the latest technologies to get a much clearer measure of the chaotic turbulence that develops in the atmosphere
  • The UK's National Centre for Atmospheric Science, University of Manchester and other scientists are deploying project WesCon
  • Instead of using established weather models to simulate the weather turbulence, they're using drones, lidar, radar and wind profilers at various locations in southern England to get real data on gathering storms and atmospheric conditions
  • They will analyze the data from the instruments and technologies on patterns that lead to thunderstorm formations, which they hope will result in high resolution and highly accurate weather forecasts on a daily basis
  • As one of the scientists put it: "How do you quantify chaos?  Our observational campaign (of severe weather conditions) sets out to do just that."


                                            Source:  Toyota

  • Toyota is officially developing its 1st all-electric sports car
  • It's a battery powered EV that comes with the option of manual stick shift transmission
  • Also offers realistic, simulated engine noise
  • Toyota's intent: make the EV fun and indistinguishable from a gas powered car
  • Toyota is calling the prototype a performance sports car
  • There's a lot of speculation it will be affordably priced
  • No performance details yet because Toyota is still testing its technologies.

For more news stories like this, Flight Paths to the Future

"Daily Innovation Brief" © By Edward Kane


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DAILY INNOVATION BRIEF by Maryanne Kane, Journalist