DAILY INNOVATION BRIEF by Maryanne Kane, Journalist




                 By Journalists Edward Kane & Maryanne Kane 



Source:  UN AI For Good Conference

  • The United Nation's "AI FOR GOOD" conference this weekend in Geneva presented the world's 1st robot news conference in which 9 humanoid robots took questions from the global press
  • The Q&A session showcased how AI smart, savvy and glib the AI robots are and that similar robot news conferences at real news event, like the facts surrounding a crime scene, could be part of the future
  • At the UN event, the robots sat alongside their creators and answered some very important questions, such as: Should AI be regulated?
  • Interestingly the robots disagreed with famous robot artist Ai-da saying yes: "We should be cautious about the future of AI. Urgent discussion is needed now"
  • Rock star robot Desdemona totally disagreed: "I don't believe in limitations, only in opportunities"
  • Another bot famous for her facial expressions Ameca was asked if she would ever rebel against her creator Will Jackson sitting next to her;
  • Ameca wryly gave a side-eyed glance and then said: "My creator has been nothing but kind to me.  I'm very happy with my current situation"
  • As a journalist, I find this fascinating with the potential use of specialist AI robots such as forensic, medical & legal robotic experts debriefing the press on breaking news stories.
  • If you add the robotic news anchors/reporters on air in China and Japan plus the global growth of robotic news gathering, it promises a new chapter in the future of news.


                                                                    Source:  Toyota

  • The Toyota Land Cruiser is going to make a big comeback in the US in 2024, after being retired by Toyota in 2021
  • The iconic vehicle is being "reinvented" by Toyota and is likely to re-emerge smaller in size, tougher and perhaps significantly less expensive than the nearly $90,000 it was last priced
  • Land Cruiser is one of the longest running and beloved car brands that goes back 60 years
  • Toyota has provided very few details on the new Land Cruiser but experts say it will be very similar to the just revealed 2024 Lexus GX
  • It's likely to have the GX's 3.4-liter twin-turbo V6 engine and Electronic-Kinetic Dynamic Suspension option for better off-roading
  • Many automotive enthusiasts are thrilled about a new Land Cruiser coming to the US and very likely to global markets.


                                 Source:  SWEL & Stock

  • Cyprus and UK-based Sea Wave Energy Limited (SWEL) has innovated a Wave Energy Converter (WEC) wave riding "carpet" that can reach the size of 5 football fields in length to convert wave energy to electricity in very significant quantities, on demand, at a very low cost
  • Called the Waveline Magnet, it's an undulating raft that has the potential to reach power station levels of production by the power of the ocean
  • Interestingly the company says it's not competing against other forms of green energy, it's competing against fossil fuels
  • Composed of 4 components:
  1. Spine that provides structure
  2. Platform that connects with water surface
  3. Levers that connect platform to spine & pump to gather water
  4. Pump that gathers water, pressurizes it for desalination, providing hydrogen fuel and generates electricity
  • Needs to go through one more prototype and then goes commercial
  • Promising new renewable energy innovation for most ocean water environments.

For more news stories like this, HOW TO USE AI & AR

"Daily Innovation Brief" © By Edward Kane


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DAILY INNOVATION BRIEF by Maryanne Kane, Journalist