DAILY INNOVATION BRIEF by Maryanne Kane, Journalist


By Journalists Edward Kane & Maryanne Kane


                                              Source:  Arc Aero

  • UK-based ARC Aero Systems has created a unique eVTOL that flies autonomously.  It is Europe's largest flying taxi and is currently being tested in Scotland.  Here are some facts:
  1. Called Arc C-600
  2. Autonomous, all electric vertical take-off and landing aircraft
  3. Europe's largest eVTOL
  4. Being test flown in Scotland by independent groups
  5. Has fixed wings with wingspan of 8-feet
  6. Combines conventional wings with multirotor propulsion
  7. Blends key elements of a helicopter and small plane
  8. Can be piloted remotely or autonomously
  9. Potential speeds up to 250 mph
  10. Contains beyond-line-of-sight technology
  11. Designed for search and rescue missions, aerial photography and cargo transportation up to 300 pounds, including real-time deliveries of blood and other medical supplies
  12. Very promising new electric, zero emissions, autonomous aircraft.

Source:  Toyota

  • At the Japan Mobility Show, Toyota showcased a unique EV called the Toyota Land Hopper.  Here's what we know:
  1. Toyota Land Hopper is an electric 3-wheel bike
  2. Designed for the last few miles of travel like parking your car 3 miles outside of Boston, pulling out Land Hopper and peddling in
  3. This EV is foldable
  4. It can be stored in the trunk of your car
  5. Clearly designed for city commuters to better access and get through heavy traffic, urban areas
  6. It's 3-wheel design lets you lean into hard. tight corners to navigate with ease.


                                            Source:  Stock
  • The Biden Administration has named 31 new innovation centers to innovate new technologies under its Tech Hub program. Here's what we know:
  1. Hubs are now in VA, PA, DE, MD, KA, MO, Puerto Rico, NJ, Indiana, MO, NH, Minnesota, Alabama, Wisconsin and more
  2. Each hub has the chance to receive $75M in funding
  3. Purpose is to expand tech growth to rural, small and underserved communities
  4. Hubs need to encourage new tech, test and deploy it, build jobs and spur economic growth
  5. Each hub is led by an emerging tech company
  6. This is an attempt to embed innovation and new tech development deep into the DNA and culture of America.

For more stories like this, FLIGHT PATH TO THE FUTURE

 "Daily Innovation Brief"© By Edward Kane


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DAILY INNOVATION BRIEF by Maryanne Kane, Journalist