DAILY INNOVATION BRIEF by Maryanne Kane, Journalist


By Journalists Edward Kane & Maryanne Kane


                                                                    Source:  BMW

  • BMW is field testing the iX5 pilot fleet of hydrogen-powered cars around the world.  Here's what we know:
  • While it advised caution about the availability of hydrogen powered vehicles in 2020, BMW has moved forward to roll-out a hydrogen powered fleet
  • It's being field-tested in the US, China, Middle East, Korea and Japan
  • BMW says its tests went perfectly in heat in excess of 100-degree F
  • Here are some specs:
  1.   2, 700-bar carbon fiber tanks each at 10,150 psi
  2.   Each tank can hold 13.2 pounds of hydrogen fuel
  3.   Power - 170 hp
  4.   Accelerates from 0 to 60 mph in under 6 seconds
  5.   Range of 300 + miles
  6.   Re-fuels in 3 to 4 minutes

  • BMW seems seriously interested in hydrogen.


                                                                    Source:  Amazon

  • Robots are providing superb efficiency in the Amazon workplace. Here's what we know:
  1. Amazon's warehouse robots are cutting customer shipment fulfillment time by 25%
  2. Amazon has 750,000 robots working with its employees
  3. Amazon emphasizes the robots are supporting the human employees not replacing them
  4. Amazon is investing in new robots like its experimental robots that have legs, not wheels, and move like humans
  5. These bots can lift, grasp and handle products like humans
  6. Amazon says it does not foresee a future with fully automated warehouses and adds that humans will always be needed for such things as repairing the robots
  7. A UK trade union reacted to the repair comment, saying that Amazon treats its workers like robots
  8. Amazon has opposed unionization of its workers.

                                                                        Source:  Stock

  • Telecom companies are getting ready to roll-out Wi-fi 7 as the new internet standard.  Here's what we know:
  1. The upgraded network promises to more than double the speed of the current internet standard
  2. Wi-fi 7 will enhance your home network and provide rapid wireless speed
  3. It's 2.4-times faster than Wi-fi 6/6E
  4. The system promises to offer a new range of connectivity experiences powered by the latest gadgets including 8k video and streaming gaming
  5. Higher transfer speeds, reduced latency and improved network capacity
  6. Better performance for high bandwidth online activities
  7. Officially launches in the US and UK in 2024
  8. It's expected to work with older devices.

 "Daily Innovation Brief"© By Edward Kane


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DAILY INNOVATION BRIEF by Maryanne Kane, Journalist