DAILY INNOVATION BRIEF by Maryanne Kane, Journalist


By Journalists Edward Kane & Maryanne Kane


                                         Source: LTA Research

  • The biggest airship since the Hindenburg has been approved for test flights.  It's the vision of Google co-founder Sergey Brin - a radical, green, huge airship/ballon for transport that was just unveiled in its latest form and has been approved for test flights.  Here are some key facts:
  • This is the biggest airship cleared for flight testing since the Hindenburg, the 800-foot blimp that blew up in 1937, took 36 lives and torched most interest in the technology
  • Apparently, Brin sees the potential for development of this radical aviation tech
  • Called Pathfinder-1, it is huge, green and a steerable ballon
  • It's a radical option for transportation that Brin fuels with non-flammable helium
  • Being developed by Sergey Brin through his startup LTA Research
  • Specifically designed to reduce aviation carbon emissions
  • Uses 1 million cubic feet of helium for lift and 12 electric motors for propulsion
  • Reaches speeds of 75 mph
  • Will undergo flight and other testing through fall 2024
  • Brin's vision for usage:  cargo transport and humanitarian missions
  • 400-feet long, carbon fiber skeleton and ultra-light synthetic cover
  • New perspective from tech visionary Brin for the future of travel.



                                                                Source:  ClimateAI

  • California-based startup ClimateAI is developing an AI platform to determine how vulnerable local crops are to warming temperatures over the next 20 years.  Those AI predictions are designed at enabling smart decision making by local farmers.  Here are the key facts:
  • ClimateAI has developed an AI tool that uses data on water, soil and climate in specific locations to determine how viable the land will be to sustain healthy crop growth and harvests in upcoming years
  • Big farming coop operations like Ocean Spray have started using the AI tool
  • It can pinpoint the drop in crop production because of Climate Change to an exact percentage of crop loss
  • The forecasts allow farmers to make informed decisions like changing to more climate resistant seeds and even changing crop locations
  • This is one of AI's big strengths - its predictive capabilities that enable users to make informed decisions and optimize outcomes and it won't stop with farming
  • ClimateAI's system is called the ClimateLens platform and it combines AI, advanced machine learning and datapoints from many sources to provide actionable insights, like a new place for a local tomato farmer in New Jersey to expand.  

For more news stories like this,

 "Daily Innovation Brief"© By Edward Kane



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DAILY INNOVATION BRIEF by Maryanne Kane, Journalist