DAILY INNOVATION BRIEF by Maryanne Kane, Journalist


By Journalists Edward Kane & Maryanne Kane


                                              Source:  Lift

  • Austin, TX-based Lift Aircraft's Hexa e-VTOL is being bought by customers for multiple uses including emergency response and search and rescue as it enters the commercial market.  Here are some key facts:
  • Will be in the skies in 2024
  • Customers include public safety agencies for use by law enforcement, medical providers and first responders
  • It's an emerging new form of travel:  a single-seat electric vertical takeoff and landing vehicle
  • Designed for anyone to fly in a fraction of the time it takes to get a pilot's certificate
  • Training to fly it takes less than an hour
  • Hexa took 6 years to develop and hit the market
  • Control system is a single 3-axis joystick
  • Hexa uses distributed electric propulsion from 18 independent, 126-kw electric motors and propellers, each having a battery
  • Weight is 432 pounds, qualifying Hexa for FAA's Powered Ultralight certification, which allows it to be flown without a license
  • Dimension is 15x15 feet
  • Carry weight is 250 lbs.; cargo configuration is 350 lbs.
  • Cruise speed is 60 knots
  • Big opportunity for personal travel market
  • Emerging new form of travel with potential for investors to explore.


           Source:  Boston Dynamics & National Gallery of Victoria

  • Boston Dynamics robodog Spot is now at the intersection of art and technology.  It's being taught to paint and create art.  Here's what we know:
  • New York City-based artist Agnieszke Pilat, who specializes in innovative ways to merge art and technology, is spending the next 4 months training 3 Boston Dynamics' Spot robodogs to create art autonomously
  • Her training process is very public and on display at the National Gallery of Victoria's Triennial Show in Melbourne, Australia
  • Pilat is using a combination of generative AI, machine learning, software and robotics to teach Spot to create art
  • 3 robots are part of the live exhibition
  • They're programmed to understand a number of commands and to execute them in perfect order
  • Spot is famous for dangerous missions to help humans and keep them out of harms' way, such as searching mines, onboard monitoring of oil rigs and doing dangerous construction jobs
  • Now Spot is taking the global spotlight in the highly creative world of art.


                                                Source:  Stock

  • Experts are now warning that the global warming threshold could be breached in 2024, which is significantly before projected.  Here are some key facts:
  • 2023 is closing in on the warmest year on record
  • Experts are forecasting 2024 will be warmer
  • Average global temperature for 2024 is now forecast to be 1.34 degrees C to 1.84 degrees C above the average of the pre-industrial period of 1850 - 1900
  • That could take it above the 1.5 degree C red alert warming threshold on Climate Change in 2024
  • This is a new forecast from the UK's Met Office just presented to the COP 28 summit in Dubai
  • It is triggering great concern about the need for action and innovative solutions
  • During 2023, the world hit 1.4 degree C above the pre-industrial record and we saw the record amount of ice melt as a result.

 "Daily Innovation Brief"© By Edward Kane


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DAILY INNOVATION BRIEF by Maryanne Kane, Journalist