DAILY INNOVATION BRIEF by Maryanne Kane, Journalist


By Journalists Edward Kane & Maryanne Kane


                                                                        Source:  Stock

  • A leading British futurist forecasts a future of head-to-toe AI enabled exercise gear, right down to your running shoes.  Here's what we know:
  • An AI enabled sports and exercise future is forecast in 5 years by UK futurist Andrew Grill
  • He says standalone 5G by 2028-2029 could revolutionize exercise
  • Some fascinating thinking from Grill:
  1. Next generation of teens could be wearing sneakers that talk to each other
  2. We will be wearing totally connected clothing
  3. Our sneakers will have embedded chips that talk to each and to people we run past on the street
  4. The sneakers will also collect data on your style preferences, budgetary considerations and more
  5. The clothing and sneakers will connect the wearer with more devices, things and people.



                                                                          Source:  NASA

  • NASA is developing a highly advanced, fixed wing plane to explore Mars for any signs of life.  Here are some key facts:
  • Plane is called MAGGIE or Mars Aerial and Ground Intelligent Explorer
  • It's in the early stages of development
  • Solar powered with vertical takeoff and landing
  • Will fly 1,000 meters above Mars
  • Goes 179 km on a charge or 111 miles
  • Cruises for over 16,000 km or 9942 miles
  • Primary missions:  search for signs of life, search for water including in Mars atmosphere, search for methane and better understand why Mars' magnetic field is so weak
  • MAGGIE is designed to advance NASA'S exploration and missions to Mars and will serve as a follow-up to the Ingenuity Mars helicopter.

 "Daily Innovation Brief"© By Edward Kane


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DAILY INNOVATION BRIEF by Maryanne Kane, Journalist