DAILY INNOVATION BRIRF by Maryanne Kane, Journalist

D A ILY INNOVATION BRIEF By Journalists Edward Kane & Marya nne Kane ANTARCTIC WILDLIFE ARE GETTING SUNBURNT Source: Antarctic stock Thanks to Climate Change, wildlife in the Antarctic like seals and penguins are in danger of getting sunburns. A massive hole in the ozone level above the Antarctic has developed and is lasting for longer parts of the year. There are dangerous UV levels and scientists say it's posing a danger to wildlife. Here are some key facts: Scientists report that the hole in the ozone layer above the Antarctic is "massive", has been growing for 4 years and is now staying open for longer periods of time It now poses a danger to wildlife in the form of UV levels giving them sunburns Particularly vulnerable are baby seals and Penguins Other animals and plants are also in danger Scientists say Climate Change emissions are causing this and it could make the survival of some species more difficult The ozone layer is 25 ...