DAILY INNOVATION BRIRF by Maryanne Kane, Journalist


By Journalists Edward Kane & Maryanne Kane 


Source:  Antarctic stock

  • Thanks to Climate Change, wildlife in the Antarctic like seals and penguins are in danger of getting sunburns.  A massive hole in the ozone level above the Antarctic has developed and is lasting for longer parts of the year.  There are dangerous UV levels and scientists say it's posing a danger to wildlife.  Here are some key facts:
  • Scientists report that the hole in the ozone layer above the Antarctic is "massive", has been growing for 4 years and is now staying open for longer periods of time
  • It now poses a danger to wildlife in the form of UV levels giving them sunburns
  • Particularly vulnerable are baby seals and Penguins
  • Other animals and plants are also in danger
  • Scientists say Climate Change emissions are causing this and it could make the survival of some species more difficult
  • The ozone layer is 25 miles above the Earth's surface and acts like a natural sunscreen -- which is now being eroded and incredibly is putting Antarctic wildlife in danger of sunburns.


                                                                    Source:  Max Space

  • US Startup Max Space has developed a range of inflatable space habitats for humans to live in space.  They inflate with air and can be as large as a stadium.  A key plus:  they are far less expensive than current space stations.  Here are a few key facts:
  • These breakthrough inflatable space "houses" and "stations" will start travelling to space in 2026 aboard SpaceX
  • Their purpose:  provide more, less expensive housing in space for people to live
  • They are being rigorously tested on Earth and will be put to the test in space in 2 years
  • The units are compact, easily stored in a rocket and when deployed into space, they fill with air and become rigid, solid architectures
  • Comes in various sizes from a 20 cubic meters x 100 cubic meters structures to the size of a football stadium at more than 10,000 cubic meters
  • The structures enable people to live, work, do scientific research and manufacture products in space
  • Said to work in low Earth orbit, cislunar, on the Moon and Mars
  • Big cost advantage:  costs $200 million vs. $100 billion for space station
  • Goal: open up the universe for more humans to live in space.
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DAILY INNOVATION BRIEF by Maryanne Kane, Journalist