DAILY INNOVATION BRIEF by Maryanne Kane, Journalist


By Journalists Edward Kane & Maryanne Kane 


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  • Several European governments are currently urging their citizens to be prepared for the worst. Finland has provided a plan to enable people to survive for 72 hours during states of emergencies. Britons are being told to create national crisis "Emergency Kits". 20 top scientists have just added "must-haves" to the UK list of essential items.  Here's what you need to know:
  • Top essentials in your survival kit, according to scientists:
  1. Gas powered generator as backup power source
  2. Natural gas or liquid propane to fuel 
  3. Chainsaw
  4. Toilet Paper
  • Additional essentials from UK website that the scientists agree with:
  1. Bottled water
  2. Non-perishable food
  3. Wet wipes
  4. Spare batteries
  5. First Aid kit
  6. Flashlights
  7. Portable power bank
  8. Radio
  9. Baby and pet supplies
  • The emergency kit of essentials is designed to get you through extreme weather, massive flooding, pandemics, wildfires and even nuclear warfare.  It has the imprimatur of the UK government and some of the world's leading scientists.  Let's hope we don't have to use it.


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  • The US Defense Dept.'s Advanced Research Projects Agency, DARPA, is developing a new X-plane that combines the agility of a copter/VTOL with the speed of a 747.  Aurora Flight Sciences is creating it & it's likely to have a big impact on military & commercial flight.  Here are some key facts:
  • This new X-plane concept offers high-speed, agility and the capability to take-off & land in tight spaces
  • Technologies include blended wing, fan-in-wing, high speed, autonomous or crewed operations and VTOL (vertical takeoff & landing)
  • Virginia-based Aurora Flight Sciences just unveiled a refined design for the X-plane
  • Incorporates 3 lift fans - 2 in the blended wing and 1 on the forward body
  • Future planes could have 4+ lift fans
  • Speeds up to 518 mph
  • Very agile like a helicopter and hits 747 speeds
  • DARPA is developing this plane for the US military, but the new, advanced technologies are likely to be in commercial aircraft as well.

"Daily Innovation Brief"© By Edward Kane


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DAILY INNOVATION BRIEF by Maryanne Kane, Journalist