DAILY INNOVATION BRIEF by Maryanne Kane, Journalist


By Journalists Edward Kane & Maryanne Kane



                                                    Source: Stock & Boston Marathon

  • New scientific research demonstrates that some self-centeredness, ruthlessness and manipulation help elite athletes achieve glory and gold medals.  Here are some key facts:
  • With the Paris Olympics starting next month, some very surprising scientific research about elite athletes has just been published: malevolent traits are a key ingredient to athletic success
  • Specifically unsocial traits like ruthlessness, being self-centered and manipulative are important to success in performance sports
  • The research was conducted by sports scientists at Nottingham Trent University
  • More than 300 elite athletes, including cyclists, swimmers and triathlon participants were part of the research
  • To quote the results: "Specific characteristics considered malevolent in social settings are highly relevant in performance sports"
  • The scientists' concern: in real life those traits can lead to bad social relationships
  • They added athlete and coach relationships could suffer, along with off-field relationships
  • It's new science that helps to uncover the mental approach to intense competition by many of the world's most elite athletes.

                                                Source:  Stock

  • The world's most popular breakfast drink, orange juice, is in danger of disappearing because of crop destroying disease.  Here are the facts:
  • This year's orange harvest is down 24%
  • Prices are up 20%
  • The problem is called citrus greening disease; it's a bacterial infection that's incurable
  • A tiny insect has spread the disease to 31 nations
  • Florida and Brazil account for 85% of global orange juice and both have been hard hit
  • By 2026, Florida forecasts 80% of its total orange production will be gone
  • One solution being proposed by the orange industry:  mix frozen juice with real juice to spread out supply.


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