DAILY INNOVATION BRIEF by Maryanne Kane, Journalist


By Journalists Edward Kane & Maryanne Kane




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  • Our lives are a series of endless negotiations with parents, teachers, kids, bosses, friends and more.  New science demonstrates how best to win. Scientists from Nottingham Trent University have found that being pleasant and facially expressive improves your negotiating skills.  Here's what we know:
  • Being poker faced doesn't win; being pleasant and facially expressive can be a big winner
  • Scientists at NTU found that facially expressive people are seen as more likeable and socially successful
  • Scientists analyzed 1500 conversations between strangers noting who was liked
  • Being facially expressive helps make you more readable and acceptable
  • Facial movements like smiles, raising your brows, nose wrinkles, lip corner pulls convey positive receptivity and likeability
  • Facial expressions also have a positive influence on conflict resolution
  • Bottom line:  Use of facial expressions makes us more likeable. And as we produce more facial movements than other species, we should take advantage of it instead of showing our poker face
  • Being poker faced has traditionally seemed like a good stance in negotiations, but it could also end the game in a loss for you
  • Remember showing your Mom that cute, puppy dog face when you wanted seconds on dessert?  You may want to dust off that look and refine it a little because it may could bring you some winning results in your important negotiations.

                                                            Source: Quantum Laser Stock

  • The US Defense Department's Advanced Research Projects Agency, DARPA, is developing a highly advanced quantum laser that could revolutionize military operations, autonomous driving and more.  Here are some key facts:
  • Quantum laser uses "entangled photons" to outshine conventional laser beams
  • Sees through extremely dense fog and over very long distances
  • Literally glues light particles together to generate highly concentrated laser beam
  • Why so important?  could have significant impact on military operations, lidar for autonomous cars, satellites and quantum computing
  • DARPA just awarded engineers at Washington University of St. Louis $1 million to continue to develop this new technology.


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