DAILY INNOVATION BRIEF by Maryanne Kane, Journalist
DAILY INNOVATION BRIEF By Journalists Edward Kane & Maryanne Kane WORLD 1st NORMAL SMARTPHONE CALL TO SPACE Source - AST Space Mobile and Stock AST Space Mobile of Midland, Texas says it just made the world's 1st earth to space phone call using an ordinary smartphone The 2-way call was made over ATT spectrum in the US and Rakuten Mobile in Japan along with engineers from Vodaphone, ATT and Ratuten The phone used was an ordinary Samsung Galaxy S 22 not modified in any way Why is this significant -- AST's massive prototype satellite of an unprecedented 673 sq, feet has the unique power capacity to enable it as the largest satellite in low Earth orbit 90% of the surface of the Earth has no cellular coverage The purpose of AST's BlueWalker 3 satellites is to start providing coverage to billions of people in