DAILY INNOVATION BRIEF by Maryanne Kane, Journalist
D A ILY INNOVATION BRIEF By Journalists Edward Kane & Marya nne Kane OH BEHAVE!!! GOOGLE DEEPMIND MAKING SURE AI ROBOTS BEHAVE Source: Google & Stock Google's DeepMind has developed new rules for AI robots to abide by when they are doing chores or cleaning your home. Here are some key facts: Google DeepMind has written a new set of rules - an operational constitution of sorts - to make AI robots safer It's called AutoRT and is designed to enable robots to function like smart humans doing chores safely and accurately The guidelines provide robots with better grasp of objects and clearer instructions for doing their chores, such as putting some snacks for the family on the countertop not someplace else Enables robots to learn more in real-time "on the fly" to naviga...