Remarkable Service Rat on Landmines

Magawa Service Rat Gets UK Gold Medal Service Award Source: PDSA & Magawa Cambodia: Rat Detects 39 Landmines & Saves Countless Lives This is one of the most remarkable animal service stories to date. A trained rat, called Magawa, has detected 39 unexploded landmines in Cambodia, along with 28 unexploded ordinances, and has saved countless lives. This incredible service animal was trained in Belgium by the charity APOPO. The organization trains rats to detect the scent of explosives and alert their human handlers. Very Smart Animal Magawa is an African Giant Pouched Rat. The species is very intelligent and easy to train. Every day for the past seven years, Magawa has been on landmine patrol in Cambodia, which has millions of unexploded landmines. Magawa has cleared a lot...