Subaru's Flying Motorcycle Concept
Subaru Seeking US Patent Protection For Flying Motorcycle Source: Flying Motorcycle Concepts Stock Images Source: Artist Rendering of Flying Motorcycle Source: Subaru's Design Drawings Vertical Takeoff and Landing Personal Mobility Subaru has designed and filed a US patent for a land and air vehicle, which is essentially a flying motorcycle. The design drawing showcases a motorcycle encased in the fuselage of a plane. The vehicle is a VTOL, or vertical takeoff and landing vehicle. It is powered by internal combustion not electricity. Biking and Flying Concept According to the patent filing, the wings tuck into the sides of motorcycle to ride it as a bike on the road. For takeoffs, the wings extend with their propellers facing upwards to takeoff and land vertically like a helicopter. There is a fixed rotor at the back of the vehicle. After takeoff, the vehicle's w