Revolutionary Lithium Air Batteries Real Now
Scientists Say They've Cracked the Code University of Illinois at Chicago scientists say they've cracked the code to make lithium air batteries a real option. That includes powering popular devices like cellphones and laptops. Its next G beyond lithium-ion batteries. For battery experts, creation of lithium air batteries has been a tantalizing tech goal for many years. "Revolutionary" Tech - 5 Times More Energy The new batteries hold up to 5 times more energy than the lithium ion batteries that power our phones, electronics and electric vehicles. It works in a natural air environment bringing it very close to everyday use. University of Illinois Asst. Professor Amin Salehi-Khojin, who leads the team, called it " a revolution in the battery community that's going to take the industry beyond lithium-ion batteries." The team is now working on commercializing it. Tech Works The new battery works by combining lithium on the anode with oxygen fr...