DAILY INNOVATION BRIEF by Maryanne Kane, Journalist

D A ILY INNOVATION BRIEF By Journalists Edward Kane & Marya nne Kane e-VTOL THAT COULD BE A TRAVEL GAMECHANGER Source: Wisk California-based Wisk Aero is developing a pilot-less e-VTOL air taxi that it believes could be a big part of the future of travel. Here are some key facts: The plane is all-electric, autonomous and take off and lands vertically like a helicopter, which keeps it closer to where people live and work Called Wisk Air Taxi Gen 6 More than 1,750 test flights Seats - 4 Range - 90 miles Cruising altitude - 2,500 to 4,000 feet Cruising speed - 110 to 120 knots Charging time - 15 minutes These planes are backed up with redundant systems to help ensure safety Designed to provide air taxi service in urban, populated a...