COVID-19 Treatment Discovery

Chinese Scientists Developing Promising Treatment Source: Stock image of coronavirus "Extremely Effective" Antibodies Discovered to Fight the Disease A team of Chinese scientists at Tsinghau University in Beijing have isolated several antibodies that are "extremely effective" at blocking the coronavirus from entering cells. They believe they may be on the right track for treating and even preventing the disease. Globally, more than 850,000 have been infected by COVID-19 and 42,000 have died. To date, there is no known, effective and proven treatment for the disease which originated in Wuhan, China Next Steps to Mass Production The team analyzed blood from patients who recovered from the coronavirus. They pinpointed 206 antibodies with a strong ability to bind with the virus' protein. Of that group 4 antibodies blocked the virus from entering cells and two are exceedingly effective at doing that. The Chinese scientis...