
Showing posts with the label #cloaking

Super Metamaterials - Penn State's Sound Cloaking

Sounds of Invisibility Penn State researchers have created an underwater ground cloaking technology that's capable of redirecting sound waves so objects appear invisible.  What's different here is sound waves not light waves are used to cloak.  And it's not just theory.  It's been tested and works. Super Metaterials The cloak uses a metamaterial not found in nature.  It allows sound wave to bend around objects as though they weren't there. Put to the Test The Penn State scientists tested their cloaking tech.   They created a 3 foot tall pyramid of steel and placed it underwater.  They used a hydrophone to produce sound.  The metamaterial redirected the sound waves around the pyramid, making it invisible. Cloaking Emerges from Science Fiction According to Asst. Prof. Amanda Hanford their metamaterial is real and works. "We're working to open the floodgates to see what we can create with these materials."  In the past couple of years, ...

Invisible by Light Cloaking Gets Real

Technical University of Vienna's Landmark Cloaking Technology Research Source:  Technical University of Vienna - Light Beams of Invisibility - Cloaking Tech Viennese Cloaking Cloaking technology has been a source of fascination in Star Trek and Harry Potter adventures.  It's also among the Holy Grail for technologists.  According to a study by physicists at Technical University of Vienna, it could become a reality with a specially designed material that can mask itself from other forms of light when it's hit with a "beam of invisibility".  The Viennese have developed a special light wave, masking technology that they think delivers cloaking.  They're experimenting with it and developing it. Shining the Light on New Cloaking Tech The concept involves shining a beam, like a laser, onto material from above to pump it full of energy. Here's the trick.  The pattern that's projected into the object to render it invisible has to perfectly match the ...