Removing Oil from Water

New Global Technology Innovation Simple, Inexpensive Tech from Purdue University This is new innovation that is noteworthy. Purdue University scientists have developed a simple and inexpensive method to remove oil from water. Why does that matter? The potential of this new technology is to cut pollution and health risks globally. Source: Purdue University System Produced Water The process was developed for "produced water" from oil refining. 2.5 billion gallons of produced water are generated daily by oil refineries. According to the US Environmental Protection Agency, the produced water has been an intractable contamination problem and hazard. Purdue researchers say they have developed a purification system that is a breakthrough. Solar Power+Charcoal+Foam & Goes Full Circle The Purdue process relies on solar-powered charcoal foam. The charcoal is heated up by solar energy to absorb petroleum. The scientists have...