
Showing posts with the label #humans

Impact of the Moon on Humans - New Science

  Inner-connectivity of the Moon & Humans                                   Source:  Stock image of Moon New Scientific Evidence of Ancient Superstitions About the Moon Ancient civilizations believed that the phases of the Moon triggered certain events.  They also believed that certain things happened only during specific phases of the Moon, like the full Moon.  New scientific research is providing credible evidence to support some of these superstitions about the interconnections between humanity and the Moon. Sleep Patterns A new study just published in the journal Science Advances demonstrates the impact of the phases of the Moon on sleep patterns.  100 volunteers from Argentina's indigenous communities and 450 volunteers from Seattle, Washington wore sleep trackers for two months to track their sleep patterns during the phases of the Moon.  The r...

Humans in North America 30,000 yrs ago - Who Knew?

Archaeology Find: Humans in N.A 17K Yrs Before Believed Source:  Mexico Cave Archaeologists Excavated  Big Archaeology Find An incredibly fascinating archaeology discovery.  In a cave in Mexico, archaeologists have found human made stone tools dating back at least 30,000 years.  The scientists found the tools in the massive Chiquihuite Cave in northwestern Mexico.  Two, separate, new archaeological studies date humans living on the North American continent at least 30,000 years ago.  The lead researcher and director of the excavation in the Chiquihuite Cave is Ciprian Ardelean, an archaeologist at the Autonomous University of Zacatecas.   Last Glacial Maximum The discovery means humans were here before the Last Glacial Maximum when ice covered most of the northern US and Canada.  The findings prove that humans were in North America much earlier than previously thought.  In fact, at least 17,000 years earlier than believed. ...

Important Innovations Collection: Warming Up to Siberia

Climate Change Warming Siberia Source:  Siberia Stock Image New Science:  Large Parts of Asian Russia will be Habitable by 2080 This is another dramatic example of the impact of Global Warming.  New science, just released by a team of US and Russian scientists, forecasts that large parts of Siberia will have much warmer temperatures and be habitable for humans by 2080.  For a great news blog on this go to Important Innovations Collection: Warming Up to Siberia : New Science Reveal Climate Change Could Make Siberia Habitable Global Warming's Impact on Asian Russia By late in the 21st century...