
Showing posts with the label #limited offer

"Future of Transportation 2020's & Beyond" Free Copies

Free Copies of the E-Book on Amazon/Kindle for Limited Time Source:  Amazon/Kindle Great News Resource on Emerging Travel Vehicles "Future of Transportation 2020's and Beyond " by journalist Edward Kane is free on Amazon/Kindle as part of a special event.  The e-book is normally $4.99 and will return to that price on Thursday July 16.  This is a 5-star rated book (paperback). If you're interested in electric planes, autonomous cars, eVTOLs, personal mobility systems, hyperloops, supersonic passenger flights and the latest green transportation/technology news, you'll love this book.  If you enjoy it and could provide a good review, that would be very much appreciated   I'm a US national television business journalist and I co-authored the book with my fellow business journalist (and brother) Ed.   For direct access to a free book, go to