
Showing posts with the label #new science on being time-starved

DAILY INNOVATION BRIEF by Maryanne Kane, Journalist

D A ILY INNOVATION BRIEF   By Journalists Edward  Kane & Marya nne Kane WHAT'S BEING CALLED WORLD-CHANGING RENEWABLE ENERGY INNOVATION                                        Source:  Fourth Power & Stock A Boston-based, MIT startup called Fourth Power has developed award-winning, large scale thermal battery storage technology for renewable energy.  Here are some key facts: This new technology claims to be ten-times less expensive than lithium-ion batteries and can store renewable energy for a month Through utility-scale thermal storage, it makes wind & solar energy an on-demand energy source Also makes renewables less expensive and cost competitive with fossil fuels Company founded by MIT Professor Asegun Henry Just received Fast Company's "World Changing Ideas Award for 2024" Experts say this new tech could greatly accelerate the Grid's use and distribution of renewable energy Their thermal storage long-duration batteries have 30+ years life Company w