
Showing posts with the label #new science to relieve anxiety

DAILY INNOVATION BRIEF by Maryanne Kane, Journalist

D A ILY INNOVATION BRIEF   By Journalists Edward  Kane & Marya nne Kane HOW ABOUT NYC TO LONDON IN 50 MINUTES?                                      Source:  Designer Carlos Vinals A new hypersonic concept plane has been unveiled that's designed to travel from NYC to London in 50 minutes. You could take a business trip or go shopping and return the same day!  Here are some key facts: It's called Sky Magnetar Hydrogen fuel cell powered hypersonic jet Created by renowned Spanish designer Oscar Vinals NYC to London in 50 minutes 3-times faster the Concorde, which was retired more than 2 decades ago Designed to fly at 4,200 mph 2 combined cycle engines at the rear of the plane Can operate at subsonic, supersonic and hypersonic speeds Sky Magnetar offers innovative design & technologies that could usher in hypersonic flight Designer Vinals is looking for investors to bring it from concept to reality. ANXIETY BE GONE!  SCIENTIFICALLY SHOWN WAYS TO DEAL WITH ANXIETY