New, Sustainable, Smart City - Telosa

A Billionaire's Vision and Dream of Utopian City Telosa Super: Telosa Renderings New City in Southwestern US that Could be Home to Millions Billionaire Marc Lore, who funded e-commerce company, wants to build a totally sustainable new city to house 5 million residents in the southwestern US. To do so, he is employing a very accomplished architect Bjarke Ingels of Denmark along with his firm Bjarke Ingels Group to design his city of the future. It is called Telosa, which is Greek for "higher purpose". The city is financially based on a community owned business model. The mission of the city is to create a sustainable and equitable future. Telosa's website says of Telosa: "What if you pay the same taxes today but get the best social services for any country in th...