
Showing posts with the label Smart Exoskeletons

Exoskeleton Extraordinaire

Super Smart Exoskeletons Bionic Smarts Exoskeletons, the wearable medical devices, that help people to walk, just got very smart.  Researchers at Carnegie Mellon University School of Engineering have developed a new algorithm for the bionic devices.  It's called "the human in the loop".  The algorithm learns and customizes the bionic assistance based on the wearer's every step, helping to facilitate and smooth out their walking. Bionic Man The exoskeleton is worn on the shin and the foot.  It applies force to the ankles and toes.  Tested on a dozen able-bodied people, it took an hour to optimize  Once optimized, it cut the amount of energy expended walking on a treadmill by 24%.  Previous testing of exoskeletons resulted in a 14% energy exertion cut at best. Multiple Uses - Running and Walking For those impacted by stroke, neurological disorder and paralysis etc., this innovation could provide significant hope and help.  The "human in t...