Smarter Sensing Cities
Smarter Sensing Cities Building cities smarter by using advanced digital technologies as their design and operating base. It's a concept promoted by the World Economic Forum at Davos. Their specific reason is to impact and reduce accelerating climate change. A staggering 20% of global greenhouse gas emissions come from buildings. Lighting, heat, cooling and power for homes, office buildings, schools and hospitals account for 1/5th of global emissions yearly. Looking for Energy Miracle World Economic Forum officials believe smarter cities are a key factor that could change that. Microsoft's Bill Gates is part of a group which has created a fund to invest in climate change solutions through technology. As Gates puts it "we need an energy miracle". Meanwhile, a company called Sidewalks Labs is putting the smarter cities theory into practice. Sidewalks is owned by Google's parent company Alphabet. Non-fossil fuel energy will power it. Toronto P...