
Showing posts with the label hydrogen planes

Hydrogen Commercial Jets by 2030

Airbus Pushing Hydrogen Commercial Planes Source:  Hydrogen Plane Concept  European Union's Hydrogen Strategy In Europe, there is growing consensus building around utilizing hydrogen as a primary, green, renewable energy source. The momentum is coming from the both the European Union and global aerospace giant Airbus. France-based Airbus believes that hydrogen fuel is the quickest means to turn commercial passenger jets into zero emissions passenger flights.  Company leadership forecasts that hydrogen airliners could be flying in much greener skies by the early 2030's.   Hydrogen Agenda To develop and deploy hydrogen commercial jets by the early 2030's, Airbus Vice President for Zero Emissions Technology Glenn Llewellyn recommends utilizing and reconfiguring automotive and space launch hydrogen technologies that are already developed to create hydrogen commercial passenger jets.  Toyota is a major developer of hydrogen fueled cars and the Japanese automaker...